Стихи и Проза

Man with perfect notebook

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He has a perfect sized moleskine,

black coloured, without lines.

I tried to find the same of thing.

So many times. No luck. All kinds

like purple, big, too thin or yellow,

no black one or with lines again..

It seems that easier play cello

than find the book I want to gain..
I found one of many artists

in Internet. Long time ago.

He had this post how he just started;

it was inspiring, made me draw

consistently, on all of paper

and wish to find a moleskine,

the perfect one, not one that greater

not pink, not lined and not green..
I opened this book just once,

it had all kinds of things: words, drawings,

some schemas, thoughts... but what a chance:

it had no order, wasn't boring.

Were just all random used pages;

I only saw that once before -

In my own books. It's been for ages.

And there is also some of more..
It's like a watch someone in mirror

and understand: it's not your look,

it's similar, with same idea,

but manlify. Transformed. In book...
Источник:http://www.stihi.ru/2015/04/02/5353 - Произведения / Стихи.ру - национальный сервер современной поэзии

Метки: with, perfect, notebook

Рубрика: Стихи и проза

Стихи на слова

больше, будет, было, быть, Весна, весны, Ветер, вечер, война, время, всегда, всех, глаза, город, день, дождь, друг, Душа, души, Если, Есть, женщина, жизни, жизнь, Жить, Зачем, зима, Когда, Лишь, Любви, любить, люблю, Любовь, люди, меня, много, моей, может, мысли, надо, Небо, ночи, ночь, опять, осень, Памяти, память, Песня, Письмо, Почему, поэт, Просто, Пусть, путь, рождения, России, Свет, себе, себя, сегодня, сердце, Сказка, слова, снег, снова, солнце, Сонет, стих, стихи, счастье, счастья, твой, тебе, тебя, тобой, Только, утро, хочу, Часть, человек


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