Стихи и Проза

February 19th - Adelina Patti s birthday

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February 19th – Adelina Patti’s birthday. In 2015 there is 172 years since she was born.
Adelina Patti – a gifted opera singer & owner of coloratura soprano voice,

Who since her early childhood had made her own career decision, choice.

Born to her parents, both opera singers, she manifested a great potential.

Patti fulfilled her dream and ambition, becoming a worldwide sensation.
Adelina was known as the best opera performer of 19th century, true star.

She had implemented her strengths, talents, abilities, skills, taking it afar.

Patti impressed fans with bel canto lyrical soprano that was professional.

Acclaim, praise & recognition due to her were domestic and international.
Tone, registers, purity, flexibility, legato, staccatos, timbre, range, diction

Helped Adelina make all dreams come true, fulfilling her operatic mission.

A virtuoso, supreme, enthusiastic opera singer - a legend in her own right,

Patti expressed her musicality & reached artistic accomplishment’s height.
She was a loving, kind, generous, courageous, genuine, willed and caring,

Concert & operatic performer, dramatic, emotionally expressive & daring.

Patti’s spontaneous, driven and sharp, enterprising oriented personality

Brought her to finesse, perfection, great stage appeal, fame, popularity.
February 19th – birthday of Adelina Patti, opera diva of her era & all time.

A natural and genuine “vocal gymnastics” performer with charming smile.

Patti’s remembered for tremendous talent, work ethics and determination.

We think of her today, expressing cordial respect, love and appreciation.
Copyright©2015 Mila Alper
* Photo is from the Internet
Источник:http://www.stihi.ru/2015/02/17/2060 - Произведения / Стихи.ру - национальный сервер современной поэзии

Метки: February, 19th, Adelina, Patti, birthday

Рубрика: Стихи и проза

Стихи на слова

больше, будет, было, быть, Весна, весны, Ветер, вечер, война, время, всегда, всех, глаза, город, день, дождь, друг, Душа, души, Если, Есть, женщина, жизни, жизнь, Жить, Зачем, зима, Когда, Лишь, Любви, любить, люблю, Любовь, люди, меня, много, моей, может, мысли, надо, Небо, ночи, ночь, опять, осень, Памяти, память, Песня, Письмо, Почему, поэт, Просто, Пусть, путь, рождения, России, Свет, себе, себя, сегодня, сердце, Сказка, слова, снег, снова, солнце, Сонет, стих, стихи, счастье, счастья, твой, тебе, тебя, тобой, Только, утро, хочу, Часть, человек


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